WC (Accessible) Building Codes & Rules

- Ensure compliance with accessible WC toilet standards effortlessly. Tools™ simplifies NCC guidelines, saving time and resources.

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.2

450 to 460AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.2

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

1.1mAS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

Flush Button ZONE 1

  • Centred or within Blue ZONE



WC Suite


  • 50 to 60mm clearance to adjacent surface

Grabrail RULES

NCC 2022 V3

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 F4D5 [2019 F2.4]

May 2023

  • Provision of access for people with disabilities in compliance to NCC Part F4 & AS 1428.1
  • Withstand 1100N force in any direction
  • Dimensions
  • Ø 30 to 40mm
  • Ø ≥ 5mm exposed edges & corner
  • Clearances
  • 50 to 60mm to adjacent surface
  • 600mm above
  • 50mm below
  • Exemption at fixing points
  • 270° clearance along the top arc
  • ≥ 50mm around a vertical grabrail
  • 50 to 60mm clearance to adjacent surface

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

Toilet Paper ZONE

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

1.1mAS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (i)

600NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (i)



WC Suite

All dimensions from finished surface

Front of seat

All dimensions from finished surface

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

300AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

800 ± 10AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7




AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

300AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.2

450 to 460AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.2

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

Toilet Paper ZONE


NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (ii)

500NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (ii)

Top of seat

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

700AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

500AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

300AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7



150AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

Front of seat

Top of seat


≥ 450


AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

Flush Button ZONE 1

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

Clear ZONE

Front of Seat

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

Toilet Paper ZONE

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

Toilet paper ZONE

NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (7) (b) (i)



810NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (7) (b) (i)

NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (7) (b) (i)



810NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (7) (b) (i)

NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (i)

600NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (i)

≥ 450


Flush Button ZONE 2

  • Within the Blue ZONE

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.4 (d)

120 to 150AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.4 (d)

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

300AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.5

Flush Button ZONE 2

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

≤ 700AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.6

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

≤ 50AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

AS 1428.1:2021, 14 (d)

Clear ZONE

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

900 to 1050AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.7

AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.4 (e)

120 to 150AS 1428.1:2021, 12.2.4 (e)

Front of Seat

NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (ii)

500NCC 2022 Vol 1, S27C4 (4) (a) (ii)

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