Electrical Cupboard Building Codes & Rules

- Electric Cupboard Tools™ simplifies the National Construction Code (NCC) with interactive graphics, including deemed to comply & best practices.

Cupboard Size

  • To suit board
  • By electrical engineers

NCC 2022 Vol 1, C4D15 (1)

Fire Safety

AS/NZS 3000:2018,

≥ 600AS/NZS 3000:2018,

Corridor / Lobby



AS/NZS 3000:2018,

Secure When OpenAS/NZS 3000:2018,

  • ≥ 180° swing doors if in access/passageway
  • Hold open device
  • Arranged to prevent a worker from accidentally being pushed towards the switchboard

Electrical Switchboard

Fire Protection

  • ≥ 5mm openings, use Fire Retardant Sealant[1]

Fire Protection RULES

NCC 2022 V1

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS/NZS 3000:2018, 2.10.7

AS/NZS 3000:2018, 2.10.7

  • Building elements requiring energy use to be protected, secure, & energy efficient to NCC Specifications 1 & 13, Parts C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4, & AS/NZS 3000
  • Wiring penetrations require tight Seals to contain fireAS/NZS 3000:2018, 2.10.7
  • ≥ 5mm gaps & openings requires Fire Retardant Sealant
  • Conduits & other Wiring Enclosures that requires sealingAS/NZS 3000:2018, 2.10.7
  • ≥ 5mm clear space within

AS/NZS 3000:2018, 2.10.7

Services Located in Egress Path

  • Avoid installation of utility services in fire-isolated areas[1]

Utility Installation RULES

NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 D3D8 [2019:D2.7]

May 2023

NCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (1)

NCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (4)

NCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (6)

NCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (2)

  • Service shaft access shall not be located in fire-isolated areasNCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (1)
  • Conduits of Combustion byproduct must not have any openings along egress pathwaysNCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (4)
  • Permitted in egress pathways, but not in fire-isolated exitsNCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (6)
  • Non-combustible, fire-protected, & smoke-proof enclosure containing
  • Electricity meters, distribution boards
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Electric motors
  • Permitted in fire-isolated exitsNCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (2)
  • Security & monitoring system serving exit
  • Detection, lighting, or pressurisation system serving exit
  • Communication & alarm system
  • Supervision of hydrant or sprinkler valves

NCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D8 (1)

Smoke Detection

  • > 1m³ volume having voltages greater than extra-low voltage require smoke detection[1]
  • Detector must be in a visible location[2]

Smoke Detector RULES

NCC 2022 V1

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S20C4 [2019 Spec E2.2a: 4]

May 2023

AS 1670.1:2018, 3.27.5

AS 1670.1:2018, 3.27.5

  • Building areas requiring smoke detection to comply to NCC Specification 20 & AS 1670.1
  • > 1m³ volume that contains devices with electrical levels exceeding a certain safety threshold requires a Smoke DetectorAS 1670.1:2018, 3.27.5
  • If partitions create separate spaces, each area needs detection
  • Partitions within ≤ 300mm of the Ceiling & underside of Joists define separate spaces requiring individual detection
  • > 3m³ with any electrical equipment requires a Smoke DetectorAS 1670.1:2018, 3.27.5
  • Spaces containing devices with electrical levels exceeding a certain safety threshold & divided with partitions are exempted

AS 1670.1:2018, 3.27.5

AS 1670.1:2018, 3.27.1 (c)

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