Location affects the risk for corrosion[1] Durability RULES NCC 2022 V6 All Building Classes
NCC 2022 B1D4, F3D5, H1D5, H2D4, & HP 5
[2019 B1.4, 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 3700:2018, 5.2 NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Masonry to be designed & constructed to the NCCAS 3700:2018, 5.2 Tables & map below for durability class ofNCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Masonry Mortar Built-in components (eg. Ties & Lintels) Environments Mild ≥ 50km from the coast and not industrialVariations due to climate, refer to map Moderate ≤ 50km from the coast≥ 1km from non-surf coast≥ 10km from surf coastLight industrial pollution Industrial ≤ 1km from districts emitting acidic pollutionMarine 1km to 10km from a surf coast100m to 1km from a non-surf coast (Salt lake or harbour)Severe Marine ≤ 1km from a surf coast≤ 100m from a non-surf coast (Salt lake or harbour) Sides of the Wall Internal Above DPC & housed within the buildingInterior leaf of Cavity or reverse Brick Veneer Exterior Coated Above DPC & protected by building elements such as roof, eaves or coping, and weather-resistant coatedBelow DPC or in touch with the ground and shielded by an impermeable membraneAggressive environments Type SR cement should be used where there is risk of sulfate attack from the groundwater Contact with freshwater or non-saline weathering considered as Marine Contact with salt or contaminated water considered as Severe Marine Tool all joints to give a dense water shedding finish AS 3700:2018, 5.3 Deflection Gap & Tie to
Structural Engineer's Detail
NCC 2022 HP, 4.2.9 (a) Manufacturer's Recommendation CMAA 2019 CM01, 10.1 Control Joint Filling Manufacturer's Recommendation CMAA 2019 CM01, 10.1
≥ 6mm Sealant depth1:2 (Depth : Width) Sealant JointUse compatible Sealant material, Backing Rod & Primer Absorbent bituminous materials are prohibited Apply sealant towards the end of construction to reduce panel displacement AS 4773.2:2015, 4 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.3 Grout AS 4773.2:2015, 4 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.3
≤ 12mm AggregateSite-mix composition 1 : 2 : 4 (Cement : Sand : Aggregate)Pre-mixed composition 20Mpa Compressive Strength300kg Cement / m³N20 GradeClean surfaces before commencing Compact grout by vibration or rodding to fill all voids AS 4773.2:2015, 12.1.3 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.1.4 Reinforcement
VerticalAS 4773.2:2015, 12.1.3 Hook or engage top end Wall Reinforcement with Bond Beam Reinforcement HorizontalAS 4773.2:2015, 12.1.4 Grout fully into position At H or U-shaped Lintel blocks or Knock out Bond Beam Block clear of webs Informative Flexible Ties Informative
Install stabilising Ties at Control Joints & adjoining structural elements AS 4773.2:2015, 12.1.2 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.1.2 Tools™ Best Practice Mortar
M3 or M4 class for Reinforced Masonry[1] Mortar DURABILITY NCC 2022 V6 All Building Classes
NCC 2022 H1D5, HP 5.6.3, & 5.6.4
[2019 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 3700:2018, E7 AS 3700:2018, E5 Manufacturer's Recommendation NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Masonry to be designed & constructed to the NCCAS 3700:2018, E7 Densely pack materials when measuring volume Use Water Thickener in accordance with Manufacturer's InstructionsAS 3700:2018, E5 Scratch test mechanically, using a "Scratch Tool"Manufacturer's Recommendation ≥ 3 test areas, agreed by parties concerned0.5 to 10m² area per scratch testReplace tip after 200 tests, keep records 5 measurements per test area with the average depth calculatedReport to includeNCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Date of construction & location Test date Mapping and identification of each measurement Scratch measurements indicated individually Computed Scratch index per joint AS 4773.2:2015, 3.1 Weatherproofing
Weatherproof at all External Walls & Window Reveals before installing window assembly[1] Mortar Joints[2] [3] Tooled No holes & cracks Coated Surface[4] [5] Bagged or rendered Paint Application RULES NCC 2022 V2 All Building Classes
NCC 2022 B1D4, F3D5, H1D5, H2D4, & HP 5
[2019 B1.4, 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 4773.2:2015, 11.7.1 (a) AS 4773.2:2015, 11.7.1 (b) Manufacturer's Recommendation NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Textured Finishes & Other Coating RULES NCC 2022 V2 All Building Classes
NCC 2022 B1D4, F3D5, H1D5, H2D4, & HP 5
[2019 B1.4, 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 4773.2:2015, 12.4 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.4 (d) NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) External Paint Finish NCC 2022 V1 Taylor Quality Requirement 3 coats elastomeric paint finish required for precast concrete or concrete (non-clad) wallsTaylor Quality Requirement Warning Acrylic or mineral paint finish does not meet this requirementCMAA 2019 CM01, 13 AS 3700:2018, 4.7.4 AS 3700:2018, 4.7.4 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.4 AS 4773.2:2015, 12.4 Lintels
10mm clearance from heads or frame[1] ≥ 300mm bearing length[2] Double U or H blocks[3] , or Knock-out Bond Beam Block clear of webs[4] Reinforced Masonry Lintel RULES NCC 2022 V3 Class 1 & 10
NCC 2022 B1D4, F3D5, H1D5, H2D4, HP 5, & HP 6.3.5
[2019 B1.4, 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 3700:2018, NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) AS 4773.2:2015, 8.3.3 CMAA 2019 CM01, 6 AS 4773.2:2015, 8.3.2 (a) AS 4773.2:2015, 8.3.2 (b) Tolerance
≤ 10mm from plumb in 1 storey[1] ≤ 25mm from plumb in total Wall height[2] Masonry TOLERANCE NCC 2022 V3 All Building Classes
NCC 2022 B1D4, F3D5, H1D5, H2D4, & HP 5
[2019 B1.4, 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 3700:2018, 12.5.3 NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Masonry to be designed & constructed to the NCCAS 3700:2018, 12.5.3 NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) ≤ 25mm from plumb in total Wall height≤ 15mm deviation from cavity width≤ 15mm Slab Edge overhang≤ ± 3mm deviation from Mortar bed thickness≤ ± 5mm deviation from Perpend thicknessAS 3700:2018, 12.5.3 AS 3700:2018, 12.5.3 Articulation Joint
Vertical, full height, & free of Mortar[1] [2] Prohibited above garage door openings [3] [4] Articulation Joint LOCATION NCC 2022 V2 All Building Classes
NCC 2022 B1D4, F3D5, H1D5, H2D4, & HP 5
[2019 B1.4, 3.3.1-3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5-3.3.6]
May 2023
AS 3700:2018, 7.2 NCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Masonry to be designed & constructed to the NCCAS 3700:2018, 7.2 Articulation Joints to be placed where potential cracking due to movement of the footingNCC 2022 Vol 1, B1D4 (.) Wall height transitions > 20% of its smaller heightTransitions in Wall thickness ≤ 4.5m from Corners≥ 470mm for Cavity Walls≥ 230mm for Veneer Walls> 900 x 900mm openings≤ 5m CTS joint spacing, from edge of opening≥ 1.2m away from openingAligned with Construction & Control Joints Flexible Sealant to all Joints Paintable Backing rod to maintain recommended thickness AS 4773.2:2015, 7.2 AS 4773.2:2015, 7.2 AS 3700:2018, 4.8.4 AS 3700:2018, 4.8.4 Redirecting... (5)
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