Lightning Protection System Building Codes & Rules

- Lightning Protection System Tools™ simplifies the National Construction Code (NCC) with interactive graphics, including deemed to comply & best practices.


AS 1768:2021, 3.1

AS 1768:2021, A.6

Lightning Protection System (LPS)AS 1768:2021, 3.1AS 1768:2021, A.6

  • May be composed of
  • Components of the structure, or
  • A dedicated system, or
  • A combination of both
  • Components
  • Continuous electrical connection
  • Follows correct spacing, material & sizing

AS 1768:2021, 3.2

Air TerminationAS 1768:2021, 3.2

AS 1768:2021, A.6 (c)

Test LinkAS 1768:2021, A.6 (c)

  • Locate between Downconductors & Earth Electrodes

Equipotential Bonding

  • Bond metal installations with LPS at each end[1]
  • At ≤ 10m vertical intervals, if[2]
  • > 10m vertical metal installations through a structure, &
  • < 1m from Downconductor

Lightning Protection Bonding RULES

NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS 1768:2021, E.3.9.1

AS 1768:2021, E.3.9.1

AS 1768:2021, 3.7.4

AS 1768:2021, 3.3.3 (c)

AS 1768:2021, 3.6.2

AS 1768:2021, E.3.9

  • Building elements requiring energy use to be protected, secure, & energy efficient to the NCC
  • Links conductive parts to avoid unregulated discharge
  • ≤ 1.5mAS 1768:2021, E.3.9.1 Conductor length to Main Earth Bar
  • ≤ 10mAS 1768:2021, E.3.9.1 Bonding conductor length
  • Bonding Conductor Size (section dimension)AS 1768:2021, 3.7.4
  • ≥ 16mm² Major Bonding Conductor
  • ≥ 6mm² Minor Bonding Conductor
  • Bonding for Curtain WallAS 1768:2021, 3.3.3 (c)
  • Must be electrically isolated
  • 20m intervals on the perimeter
  • 10m intervals at the top & bottom of each Curtain Wall
  • Metal parts of the structure that need to be bondedAS 1768:2021, 3.6.2
  • Outstanding Roof elements
  • Hazardous metal components of the structure
  • Balcony Rail
  • Ladder
  • Walkway Gantry
  • Screens
  • Conductive Service Pipes
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Bonding MethodsAS 1768:2021, E.3.9
  • Bonding Bar
  • Natural Components as Common Bonding Network
  • Ring Earth

AS 1768:2021, 3.6.2

AS 1768:2021, 3.6.2

  • Bond metal installations with LPS at each endAS 1768:2021, 3.6.2
  • At ≤ 10m vertical intervals, ifAS 1768:2021, 3.6.2
  • > 10m vertical metal installations through a structure, &
  • < 1m from Downconductor

AS 1768:2021, 3.3

Down ConductorAS 1768:2021, 3.3

AS 1768:2021, 3.5

Earth TerminationAS 1768:2021, 3.5

AS 1768:2021, 3.1

Ligntning Protection SystemAS 1768:2021, 3.1

Side Strike Protection

  • For Tall Structures ≥ 60m height[1]
  • Position on vertical sides of building
  • For ≤ 70m building height, at ≥ 60m[2]
  • For ≥ 75m building height, at top 20% of structure[3]


NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.4

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.4

  • Building elements requiring energy use to be protected, secure, & energy efficient to the NCC
  • Protect projecting elements such asAS 1768:2021, 3.2.4
  • Corners & facade edges
  • Balconies
  • Viewing Deck
  • May be the structure's natural elements, like Metal CladdingAS 1768:2021, 3.2.4
  • Bond to LPS regardless of the building height

Air Terminal RULES

NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.3

  • Building elements requiring energy use to be protected, secure, & energy efficient to the NCC
  • Air Terminal to be placed on vulnerable parts of the structureAS 1768:2021, 3.2.3
  • Pointed Apex Roof
  • Spires
  • Protrusions
  • Gable Roof Ridge Ends
  • Other vulnerable parts
  • Horizontal Roof exposed edges
  • Gable Roof edges
  • Points & corners flat surfaces
  • Intruding surfaces

Air Terminal Network / System

  • Seizes lightning stricke to a favoured spot
  • Allows discharge current to be directed from the Downconductor to the Earthing System
  • May comprise of Conductive components of the structure, if requirements are met
  • Parapet
  • Ornaments
  • Handrails
  • Part of Roof

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.4

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.4 (a)

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.4 (b)

Air Terminal / Lightning Rod

  • ≥ 500mm[1] length of vertical Rod
  • ≥ 35mm²[2] section dimension
  • Position, number, & height to be determined through the Rolling Sphere Method (RSM)[3]
  • Verify system design with your Electrical Consultant

Air Terminal RULES

NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS 1768:2021, 3.2.3

  • Building elements requiring energy use to be protected, secure, & energy efficient to the NCC
  • Air Terminal to be placed on vulnerable parts of the structureAS 1768:2021, 3.2.3
  • Pointed Apex Roof
  • Spires
  • Protrusions
  • Gable Roof Ridge Ends
  • Other vulnerable parts
  • Horizontal Roof exposed edges
  • Gable Roof edges
  • Points & corners flat surfaces
  • Intruding surfaces

Air Terminal Network / System

  • Seizes lightning stricke to a favoured spot
  • Allows discharge current to be directed from the Downconductor to the Earthing System
  • May comprise of Conductive components of the structure, if requirements are met
  • Parapet
  • Ornaments
  • Handrails
  • Part of Roof

AS 1768:2021, (a) (ii)

AS 1768:2021, 3.7.4

AS 1768:2021, (b)


  • ≥ 2 Downconductors every LPS[1]
  • ≤ 20m Intervals[2]
  • ≥ 35mm² section dimension[3]

Downconductor RULES

NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS 1768:2021, 3.3.2

AS 1768:2021, 3.3.3

AS 1768:2021, A.6 (b)

  • Building elements requiring energy use to be protected, secure, & energy efficient to the NCC
  • Requirements or DownconductorsAS 1768:2021, 3.3.2
  • Follow direct path to Earth Termination
  • Space equally
  • Do not locate in Lift Shafts & Service Ducts
  • Restrict from Public access

Structure's Natural ComponentsAS 1768:2021, 3.3.3

  • May be used as downconductors
  • As long as they are electrically connected
  • Material & sizing requirements shall be met
  • Structural Steel Frame
  • Metal Cladding except if core is combustible
  • Curtain Wall System
  • Steel Reinforcement in Concrete
  • Lighting & Communication Towers
  • Roadway Gantries

Downconductor SystemAS 1768:2021, A.6 (b)

  • A path of low impedance from Air Termination to the Earth Termination System
  • Prevents excessively large volategs from developing
  • As direct as possible without sharp bends & stress points

AS 1768:2021, 3.3.2 (b)

AS 1768:2021, 3.3.2 (a)

AS 1768:2021, 3.7.4

Lightning Earth Electrodes

  • ≥ 3m[1] Separation Distance from other Earthed Services
  • 500mm depth from FFL[2]
  • ≥ 35mm² Section Dimension[3]
  • Corrosion-resistant[4]
  • With durable tag stating[5]

LPS Earth Electrode RULES

NCC 2022 V2

All Building Classes

NCC 2022 S1, S13, C3D14, C4D15, J2D2, 13.4

[2019 Sch 5, Spec C3.15, C2.3, C3.15, J0.1, 3.12]

May 2023

AS 1768:2021, 3.5.2 (a)

AS 1768:2021, 3.5.2 (d)

AS 1768:2021, 3.5

AS 1768:2021, 3.5.2

Earth Termination Network / SystemAS 1768:2021, 3.5

  • Must have low impendance to disperse energy
  • Systems vary depending on site geographical condidtions
  • Should minimise the risk of injury & damage to equipment
  • May be comprise of the structure's natural components
  • Unobstructed by continuous isolating barriers such asAS 1768:2021, 3.5.2
  • Screw Anchors
  • Steel Piles
  • Reinforced Concrete Footings
  • Other conductive structural supports

AS 1768:2021, E.3.8

AS 1768:2021, 3.7.4

AS 1768:2021, 3.5.2

AS 1768:2021, 3.5.2 (c)

AS 1768:2021, 3.7.1

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