Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Compacted Subgrade
(Good Subgrade Required)
Kerb Gutter
(as per specification)
Flexible PavementInformative
- ± 15 years lifespan
- Load transfers through grain-to-grain contact
- Low initial cost, but high maintenance cost
- Design depends on Subgrade strength
- Joints not required
- Easy to locate underground services
- Less durable but easily repaired
- Poor night visibility
- No sunlight glare
Tack CoatInformative
- Thin layer of Liquid Bitumen bonding between asphalt layers
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Prime CoatInformative
- Hardens surface of base course
- Provides a bond between two layers & a watertight surface
Public Roads - Taylor Commentary
- Comply with DA Conditions incl:
- Kerb & gutters incl. repairs
- Pavement installation / repairs
- Bitumen pavement to minimum width required by Authority
Rigid Pavement
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Pavement Design & Slip Rating
Slip Rating
NCC 2022 V2
All Building Classes
NCC 2022, D3D15
May 2023
NCC 2022 Vol 1, D1P2
NCC 2022 Vol 1, D3D15
HB 198:2014, 4.3.2 (Table 3A)
HB 198:2014, 5.2 (Table 3B)
Rigid Pavement Design
NCC 2022 V1
- Roads, Airfields, Industrial Yards, Parking Areas, & the like
- Multi layer system that distributes vehicular loads to the subgrade
- Consult Engineer for correct design & installation
- Design considerations
- Design Traffic
- Subgrade assessment
- Environmental factors
- Materials for pavement & surface
- Maintenance & construction
Manufacturer's Recommendation
Manufacturer's Recommendation

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