The Art of Waterstops: Essential Know-How for Designers and Trades Waterstops are a small but crucial detail in any build, ensuring that water stays where it should. When done right,…
The width of egress in any building depends upon its use & number of occupants. Most buildings require a minimum unobstructed 1m wide ‘path of travel’. For some reason…
Here are the basic Rules for Compartmentation in high risk buildings: Egress or paths of travel to safety must remain unobstructed and remain free of fire…
I have always made sure my buildings ‘cared’ about their occupants. And I have realised that it cost no more for Designers and Contractors to skilfully…
Most setout is common sense ….. but gee, golly, gosh … we get it wrong too often. Our “Tool™makerette’ Inch has illustrated the fundamentals. So…
Let’s lift our game by using science & craft to achieve a dry pit! Lift pits often leak & lift makers may not Certify the lift…
Everyone be warned – the base of most steel jambs rust or eventually rust. And we stupidly still specify or install them. This will only change…
Really big factories & warehouses (usually Class 7 & 8) create a high risk to adjacent buildings. That is why there are RULES for their Compartmentation…
Don’t you hate slime and surface water at the base of basement walls? Although, it is often impossible to stop all dampness without a void to…
I’m not an expert on LP Gas, and even many Plumbers can’t tell you the Rules. Most of this is common sense, but when you turn…
Interesting …. I’ve inspected hundreds of these, but I’m clueless about Atriums. Atriums are common in Hotels, Office lobbies, Shopping complexes & some Education & Entertainment…
Box gutters usually drain into rain heads – also called rainwater heads. Sometimes the rain head is designed with the front edge lower than the box…