Access / Lifts / Car (Lifts)

1 min read 19 July 2024

More & more of our buildings are using Lifts.


There are lots of strict technical safety installation Rules. Designers, installers & Supervisors need to know the functional Rules & dimensions:


    • level transition from Foyer into lift ie no trip risk
    • minimum text sizes
    • centre line to buttons 750mm – 1.2m …. and 300mm clear of corner
    • minimum 900mm width opening
    • call (control) button heights
    • correct indicator locations
    • and don’t forget the usual luminous contrast & tactile indication.


 And here are Jerry’s specifying tips:


    • illuminate the buttons please – so oldies can find their floor
    • vandal proof EVERYTHING
    • never use carpet or limestone
    • ensure the ‘key gobbling’ gap between car & shaft is as narrow as possible
    • 40mm handrails … as usual …. brushed stainless or brass.


Check Tool

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