The Art of Waterstops: Essential Know-How for Designers and Trades Waterstops are a small but crucial detail in any build, ensuring that water stays where it should. When done right,…
At Tools™, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest regulations in construction. That’s why our platform offers you the flexibility to switch between…
At Tools™, we understand that timely and effective support is crucial for the success of our users. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out,…
Join the movement to select & apply the correct Sealant! This Tool™ from maestro AJ is the goodest Tool™ we have crafted! It combines: info…
Almost every large building has a Fire Detection & Alarm System to quickly detect, warn occupants and help the Fire Brigade to manage a fire. Our…
In the ever-evolving landscape of construction, staying compliant with the latest regulations and best practices is crucial. That’s where Tools™ comes in. With over 250 tools…
How many times have you seen Ground Floor fire doors wedged open? Or couldn’t find the emergency release on an automatic door? Scary! Illegal & stupid!…
Common Sense Rules everyone: waterstop is required if a shower screen or unenclosed shower is within 200mm of a door detail the shower screen thoughtfully…
When I studied, I used to dream of having a visual dictionary of everything in a building. A bit like Penguin does with words. Sure there…
We have built solid external walls for thousands of years. Most leak at openings or are damp at the base. The principles of trouble – free…
AJ & I have resisted creating Tools™ that insult you. Like lecturing you about studs @ 450mm centres. Once upon a time, timber frames were…
Sagging pipes & conduits? Seriously? It should never happen! But guess what? Even most sparkies & plumbers rarely know what the spacing Rules are. FTR,…