Fabric / Masonry / Core Filled Reinforced Masonry

1 min read 23 August 2024

We have built solid external walls for thousands of years. Most leak at openings or are damp at the base. The principles of trouble – free solid masonry ’systems’ are:


    • ALWAYS use a small set down to slab edges
    • plan joint sealants and coating carefully – these are the waterproof skin of the system
    • extend (drain) the subsill PAST the outside finishes
    • subsills should extend a minimum 3mm past both ends of sill
    • don’t forget the end caps or stop ends – which may be visible. How will they look as they do their job to drain the reveals
    • finally, plan the internal insulation and lining to avoid condensation risk.


Solid eh? The benefits of a termite proof, impact resistant, sound friendly and durable walls should be obvious.


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