Fabric / Roofing / Downpipes / Downpipe

1 min read 16 August 2024

Little things matter a lot. Like straight, correctly fixed downpipes that don’t block up. And if they do, they are easy to clear or get a jetter into the underground drainage pipe below them.


And here are some tricks of the trade:


    • Use round downpipe – or never less than 100 x 75 rectangular
    • My first boss NEVER let me slope downpipe under the eaves at less than 1: 4
    • Place astragals (brackets) close to any joint – usually 100mm above so you can slide the lower pipe off easily
    • Avoid discharging a spreader from a large roof area onto a low pitch roof. And if you do, side seal sheet lap joints down hill from spreader
    • Bottom ends of metal downpipes can be sharp and hazardous to open footwear – the smart contractors sleeve these with PVC of galvanised pipe
    • Protect vehicle exposed downpipes before inevitable damage.
    • When I studied, I used to dream of having a visual dictionary of everything in a building. A bit like Penguin does with words. Sure there have been a few great diagrams created – mainly by industry. But nowhere are all terms illustrated for students, rookies or even experienced practitioners.


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