Fire / Active Fire Protection / Detection & Alarm / Fire Indicator Panel

1 min read 30 August 2024

Almost every large building has a Fire Detection & Alarm System to quickly detect, warn occupants and help the Fire Brigade to manage a fire. Our Tool shows the critical dimensions for all the likely FIP (Fire Indicator Panel) ‘kit’ so you can set them out in the correct location / detail them accurately on your drawings.


A couple of tips:


• I don’t like FIPs outside – they get vandalised eventually.
• If in doubt, locate the Panel so it can be clearly seen from the entry door.
• Co-ordinate the Building Occupant Warning Handset and Automatic Signalling Devices – ideally within a single cabinet
• Please mount your Evac Diagrams next to the Panel – we’ll tell you about these soon!
• Durability saves money ie no painted mild steel


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