Fire / Fire-Stopping / Fire-stopping Penetrations (Benchmark)

1 min read 14 June 2024

“Holy ‘O’meter’ Robin!” This Tool is red hot with content that will STOP us making any more mistakes with this vital part of our work.


Fire stopping is part of just about every trade now. So there is nothing wrong talking about the ‘craft’ of Annular Gaps & Sealant Depth at the Pub on Friday anymore.

Check Tool


Thanks to Mavie & Prashan for their hard work delivering over 30 screens that exquisitely explain HOW all services / penos can achieve the same FRL as the wall, floor or roof they are penetrating … repeat HOW.


And this Tool links you to:
  • AAC walls
  • Masonry & Concrete walls
  • Concrete floors
  • Fire Dampers
  • Compartmentation.


Bruce Wayne says ‘Fire in our buildings is no Joker!’ & told me personally that Australia now has the best Tools™ to STOP fires.


Superheroes unite!


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