Access / Lighting

1 min read 06 September 2024

I think lighting is the No 2 way to make our buildings safe (after egress). Designers & Builders can easily help Australia find, notice, hold, use all access requirements when they can seen it clearly …. & more importantly avoid trip risk & other hazards in their paths of travel.


20 / 160 / 320 Rule
20 lux is the minimum illuminance ANYWHERE. And it then increases for each task or activity. Did you know 160 is the minimum lux required for most spaces such as entries & Cafes? Yet work surfaces require minimum 320 lux And you already know lux level at Lift floors must be 100.


There’s a lot more to lighting that meets the eye*:
    • colour creates mood & can make a product look better
    • glare is avoidable. Buy lights that hide their lamp
    • light placement is vital especially at entries & any display i.e. use uplights, pelmets, spotlights
    • sensor lights mean no one needs a light to find the switch


* I’ve included my CPD Article on Lighting ….. Way find • Task • Mood


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