Fabric / Masonry / Masonry Veneer

1 min read 19 July 2024

We are prioritising Durability AND some basic Rules we all should know.

Even though less full brick buildings are being built, brickwork may be featured in an entry wall, fireplace, front fences etc.

Thanks Jorj for preparing this clear Table about Mortar choice which shows:

  • >/= 1Cement : 5 Sand is the go to mix …. I expect brickies to use this for everything unless instructed otherwise
  • patching historical work usually means adding lime
  • fireplaces usually use proprietary additives these days
  • salt exposed work needs a stronger mix and salt resistant bricks

We will be adding lots of helpful ‘trade tips’ such as:

  • use of tints so colour stays the same / how to match existing colour
  • strict measurement (batching) of components
  • strict storage / covering of sands
  • stonework and other masonry mortar.

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