Fabric / Roofing / Penetrations / Rubber Boot Flashing (Flue Penetration)

1 min read 09 August 2024

A good roof never leaks. No matter how many complex penetrations it has.


So I ‘flue’ off at the roofing plumber who did not backpan / back tray behind a large flue that crossed over a full trough in the roof sheeting. Of course, it both leaked and corroded.


Here are the tips the experts use:


    • get up and look at the roofs …. so you become an Expert 🎓
    • low pitch roofs need real careful attention to ‘weathering’ / turn-ups on ALL sheet and flashing ends
    • extend the backpan as far as practicable under the ridge / barge capping
    • seal Dektites to backpan carefully. Craftspeople use a DOUBLE row of neutral cure silicone on the high side …. and then Tek screw through the silicone. Please remove steel swarf with a magnet / vacuum. Blowing off just pushes the rust somewhere else. Smartypants use a strong magnet inside a doggy do do bag …. I didn’t know that!


Check Tool

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