Fire / Egress / Travel Distance (Egress)

1 min read 13 September 2024

Builders and Contractors lead Australia as they quietly and skilfully contribute over 10% to our GDP – over $360B every year. Good buildings lead us too. They lead us to safety no matter how tall, complex or confusing they are. This is called ‘egress’.


The purpose of egress is get you out of any building or space. The best designs mean you see find the way out of a building without any instructions. I call this wayfinding – it is a subtle mix of design, cues, signage and lighting.


Egress Rules are set out in the NCC. These Rules are technical, depend upon accurate mathematics and deliver an effective safety system which mean the way out of your buildings are:


  • easily seen
  • safe to use – unlocked, handrails fitted and no trip hazards
  • protected from fire and smoke
  • unobstructed and well light.
Egress depends upon:

    • the Class (use of the building)
    • number of occupants (Occupant Load)
    • height and if there is a Basement


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